
Don't Sweat Sweatshops?

In general, Americans tend to think negatively about companies utilizing sweatshops, but is it possible we're wrong ? In his article for the New York Times, Nicholas D. Kristoff, begins by inviting President Obama on a tour through the horrors of a garbage dump that many people have taken to living in. Kristoff takes to neutralizing the views that many people have on conditions that sweatshop workers are put under. He writes that if you were to ask anyone who lives in a dump, they would say it would be a dream to be able to have a job in a sweatshop. One of his main points, and beliefs is that this method of  producing is basically the lesser of many evils. To get his points across he tries to appeal to the emotions of his readers. For example, he mentions the living conditions of some of the numerous families that live in the dump, tells stories of a woman who as witnessed children get run over by garbage trucks,and this does an effective job of making people visualize th

" Does It Have Pictures In It? "

  As kids, we would not dare touch a book if it didn't have any pictures. I believe that when it comes to articles, more readers are drawn to the content when there are pictures involved. An article written by Jeff Bullas titled,  6 Powerful Reasons You Should Include Images in Your Marketing - Infographic , he makes a list explaining why images help boost your audience. The first thing he writes about is that overall, articles with images attached get 94% more total views. This can lead to an increase in sales for marketing teams, a rise in popularity for free-lance bloggers, more pay for writers who's checks rely on views or subscriptions, and so many more possibilities.  Another reason photos do a better job of roping in customers, viewers, or readers is because the new generation of kids have grown up with technology at the tip of their fingers. A previous blog I've written tells of the addiction kids have to technology recently. We even know that when away

Violence is damaging my child !!!


Why are we always arguing ?

Blog Post #2 In my opinion, people argue because they want to defend their view on things and sometimes to make the other person question their's. As long as the topic is debatable and not just a contradiction then it can be considered an argument. It is impossible to go through life without encountering or engaging in arguments. Everyone of us is taught to believe in many different things and we develop opinions that are different from many other people's. So when we hear opinions or anything that differs from our then we tend to want to argue our side of it and explain to the other person or people why we think this way. One way to defend your point in a positive way is to have some legitimate data or statistics to back it up and support your claim. People tend to understand and see more into your position when they have  hardcore evidence shown to them. Another way to prove your point positively would be to have quotes or a conversation from a credible source. These

Technology Leading to Robot Takeover?

Blog Post #1                        One of the most controversial topics is the impact that technology is having on our developing society. Everywhere you turn, you're faced with kids watching youtube videos, teens enveloped in their social media accounts, or elderly people trying to figure out how to adapt to the fast-changing pace of these advancements. Many of us have multiple social media platforms that we keep up with and it is rare to find someone who has none.  But is our constant need to connect to the internet damaging ? In the video "Social Media Trends 2017", one of the points made is that when we're out socializing at parties or casual hang outs, we focus more on capturing the moment for our next post than actually living in the moment. It also points out that we've started to use our phones for a variety of everyday activities. We use voice activation tools such as the iPhone's Siri or Amzon's Alexa.              The second video

About Me

My nephew thinks he's the star of the show.-_- ABOUT ME...      Hey guys, my name is Cristal Aguilar and I'm a student at GGC. I was born on May 17, 1999 in Los Angeles, California and moved to Georgia at a young age. I started 9th grade at Berkmar High school and then got moved to Discovery HS after it was built. I'm undecided right now but I've always wanted to study something in medicine.        I have 2 brothers, 1 sister, and 983653536 cousins. (Not literally, I just have a bunch and don't want to count). I also have 2 nephews who are the cutest babies in the world.      I like to listen to a bunch of different music genres but my go-to playlist has a ton of songs from Chance the Rapper. I n between babysitting and my job, I don't have as much free time as I'd like. Speaking of my job...I work part-time at a clothing store named Aeropostale. (Hit me up for discounts, jk i'll get fired if I keep giving away cash cards.) But w hen I do have fr